Due Diligence

What is Due Diligence?

Due Diligence is often associated with Mergers and Acquisitions, but it actually encompasses far more. Additionally, Due Diligence is extremely useful pre-litigation and as part of an investment work-up.

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In-Depth Due Diligence

The Elements of Due Diligence

Litigation Support

Prior to filing and/or pre-trial, a Due Diligence Investigation is key in arming legal counsel with invaluable information.

Investment Research

Our clients often use NIS to supplement their research departments, as our private investigation license allows for a "deeper" due diligence search and more reliable results.

Additional Investigative Services

National Investigative Services offers unparalleled results in the areas of covert video surveillance, skip-traces/background investigations and deep-dive social media searches.

Covert Video Surveillance

NIS utilizes state of the art equipment and surveillance techniques to capture critical video footage.

Asset Investigations
Asset Investigations

Using databases, courthouse records, pubic records, interviews, confidential sources and investigative research.

Social Media Searches
Social Media Searches

Our social media searches reveal additional lifestyle details and evidence of the subject's activities not readily available through surveillance and traditional background investigations.