So you have a money what?

You finally have your judgment in hand. It is now time to contact NIS. Our team of experienced investigators and legal professionals will analyze your judgment and present you with a Judgment Recovery Plan to enforce your judgment.

National Investigative Services' Judgment Recovery Plans are your fastest path to cash. Too often, Judgment Recovery is not based on investigative facts, and a few Garnishments are filed before it's (electronically) filed away as "unrecoverable". Our Judgment Recovery Plans follow the money (i.e. the assets) and provide the legal methods to enforce your judgment.

Judgment Recovery Services

  • Judgment Recovery Analysis
  • Judgment Recovery Planning
    • Asset Investigation
    • Coordinated Legal Planning
  • Judgment Recovery Actions
    • Legal Filing Preparation
    • Judgment Enforcement
      • Levy/Execution Coordination
      • Step-by-Step Judgment Enforcement Management
    • Asset Preservation and Liquidation

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Judgment Recovery

What is Judgment Recovery?

Judgment Recovery (or judgment enforcement), is the process of enforcing the judgment through the recovery (or collection) of assets (from personal property, real property, business interests to liquid funds) and turning them into cash for the satisfaction of a money judgment.

Obtaining a judgment is often a long and costly process—a process most likely involving a team of advisors and legal experts. Once the judgment has been awarded, that team of experts has moved on, leaving a creditor wondering how to enforce their judgment. Whether an individual, a company, or a bank, the judgment recovery (or judgment enforcement) process is neither fast or simple, lest of all easy.

National Investigative Services breaks down this process, and analyzes all elements pertaining to a successful judgment recovery (or judgment enforcement). Because we have worked on both sides of judgment recovery (judgment enforcement), we know where to look. Using an investigative approach, we are able to find “hidden” assets, and recover them for the judgment creditor.

Our judgment recovery (judgment enforcement) process involves four main steps: Debt Analysis, Asset Investigation, Legal Enforcement and Asset Preservation (ultimately converting the Asset(s) to cash). Each step is an integral aspect of the judgment recovery (judgment enforcement) process.

Whole Detbor Approach

The NIS Approach

Debt Analysis

Using our proprietary rating system, NIS assigns a "Recoverability Rating" to each Judgment Award. Based on the rating, a Judgment Recovery (aka judgment enforcement) Outline is formulated.

Asset Investigation

A proper Asset Investigation is the key to a successful judgment recovery/judgment enforcement. This is step is where the Judgment Recovery Outline becomes the Judgment Recovery Plan.

Legal Action

Following the identification of the assets, the appropriate legal actions are drafted and filed. These include charging orders and executions or levys on property and/or accounts.

Asset Preservation & Liquidation

The final Judgment Recovery (judgment enforcement) step. Once legal filings have been made the assets must be protected from dissipation by the Debtor. Following the court auction or sale, the assets are liquidated.

Additional Collection Services

National Investigative Services' collections and recovery methods yield results.


Whether you're a consumer or commercial Creditor, when someone refuses to pay you the money you are rightfully owed, it feels personal. Find out about our no-nonsense approach to collecting your money.

Asset Investigations
Asset Investigations

Using databases, courthouse records, pubic records, interviews, confidential sources and investigative research.

Judgment Purchasing
Judgment Purchasing

Using its propriety system, NIS will perform a Judgment Recovery Analysis, and in some cases, offer to purchase your judgment or present you with a Judgment Recovery Plan.

Judgment Recovery Analysis

NIS will analyze your judgment using its proprietary rating system. Depending on its rating and your needs, NIS will either make you an offer to purchase your judgment or present a judgment recovery plan.